At TEC Systems Group, we focus on data analytics as a key differentiator in the market. While data analytics wasn’t always at the forefront of our operations, we now strategically emphasize it. We’re showing our commitment to this area of growth by adding four new full-time data positions in the last year.

Chris Wyant and Wade Belden working on Data Analytics for TEC Systems Group

John Whaley, our Vice President of Business Development, highlights that this increased focus on data analytics opens up new opportunities for our customer base. “It has helped to bring in customers we wouldn’t have access to in the past,” he says. Additionally, this focus strengthens relationships with existing customers. Understanding their data will help their business grow and allow us to offer them more value-added services.

We provide various data services, including software applications, to help customers collect, analyze, and visualize data. We have experienced team members in Data Infrastructure Platforms (Azure IOT and AVEVA PI) and SCADA or MES systems (Ignition and Sepasoft). Our data team has also implemented machine learning in tooling on the manufacturing floor to determine quality and in the cloud to provide better data quality to clients. They understand advanced analytics and how to prepare manufacturers to implement AI successfully. Our AVEVA PI Platform interfaces with real-time data streams, giving business leaders essential information to make data-informed decisions. 

Plans are customized to meet each business’s unique automation needs, integrating advanced data engineering, data analytics, and business intelligence to ensure smooth operations and a competitive edge.

We emphasize collaboration and cross-training between our automation and data teams to serve clients at the highest level. “That hand-off is critical because one doesn’t happen without the other,” Whaley says.

TEC Systems Group and Cornerstone Data Inc. have established a robust partnership, expanding our range of data services. This collaboration benefits customers by integrating them into a broader network where their operational data is transformed into actionable insights. Joy Eakins, Cornerstone’s President and Founder, states, “As technology improves, more and more information is available for leaders at faster speeds – and people are figuring out new ways to employ technology to make their businesses better. To keep up with their competitors or even to disrupt their market, leaders need to consider how they might employ these advanced tools inside their organization to help them serve their organization’s interests.”

Rely on TEC Systems Group and Cornerstone Data to utilize advanced data analytics, empowering your company to make well-informed decisions. 

Get started today.